Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Not too tired to Conquer a Castle - June 11, 2024

 It's 11:45 and Penny and Evie are finally ready to have an adventure. You can hardly blame them for a late start. By their body clocks, it was only 3 AM when they got up this morning. It will take time for their bodies to adjust. They only finished breakfast at 11:00 and tummies are a bit rumbly because they think it's only 4 AM and not yet time for breakfast.

But their adrenalin is rushing. They're ready to conquer a castle. The closest is Montségur, so that's the target for the afternoon. Katie has been wanting to visit this castle for a long time and was as excited as the girls. With lunches packed, they headed off to Montségur by the most direct route, 45 minutes away.

I was having an afternoon of reading and needlework at home. And perhaps even a nap. While I stitched in the sunshine, the explorers were having different weather at Montségur.

There is a castle up there.

Dave & Randy aren't sure they can see the castle.

The day was cool and breezy requiring coats. It was also foggy. But that didn't stop their climb to the top. 

Randy, Katie, & Penny at the visitor center and parking lot. Where's the castle?

Evie, Dave, and Penny starting the hike.

Randy & Penny can see the castle better now that they are part way up the rocky hill.

Looking back down at the valley and the town of Montségur was quite hazy. Well, cloudy really, since it was the low-lying clouds that are getting into the way. 

Out of the woods, Penny and Evie could see how far they had climbed. It was a long ways!

Looking toward the village of Montségur.

Looking back toward the parking lot. The car is down there somewhere!

More climbing....

And more climbing....

To finally reach the castle. Good work Katie, Penny, Evie, and Randy.

It didn't take long to visit the castle, because it was just a big ruin. 

What goes up, must come down and that applies to the explorers as well. After all, lunch was in the car at the bottom of this huge rock. On the way down, they met a slug going up. It was as long as your hand.

After lunch in the park in Montségur, the explorers visited the museum and then headed back to the sunshine of Le Cazal. The explorers returned about 5 pm having conquered Montségur castle. (Dale & Kim conquered this castle in April: https://retiredtraveller.blogspot.com/2024/04/michelin-driving-tour-april-26.html ) Penny has taken the title of Princess of Montségur and is eager to conquer other castles to create a "queendom". 

Once home, the girls had one thing in mind: the pool! Wetsuits on, Evie and Penny spent more than an hour in the pool, despite their lips turning blue. They couldn't even stop for aperos and Katie delivered a plate of aperos to them poolside. 

Who cares if it's cold?

Cannonball form. Look out below.

Showers, jammies, dinner, bed. The day passed so fast! 

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