Sunday, June 16, 2024

Prehistory Museum - Tarascon - June 13, 2024

 The guide books suggest that the Prehistory Museum near Tarascon is a great family experience. It has both a museum and workshops that introduce kids to life and crafts of Cro-Magnon people. It's not too far away and Penny and Evie think it would make a good adventure. 

We arrived mid-morning and found the park had a spectacular setting. 

It was well-organized with (mostly) good signage. There's a picnic area and a playground in addition to all the museum activities. As it's almost the end of school here in France, there are lots of school classes here, from nursery age to middle school. The girls noticed that there are no school busses. They use regular coach busses which have a sign in the front and back to let you know kids are aboard. Kids either walk or use public transportation where possible. 

The entrance is very attractive with a waterfall and water maze.

You can walk behind the waterfall.

View from inside the waterfall

on the water maze path

We went first to the museum, thinking that would give the girls a basis for understanding this time period. Evie was entranced. Like her Mom and Papa, she read and listened to all the descriptions. Penny was disappointed. The museum was not as interactive as she had expected. (We had told her it was like a children's museum, but that part was in the outside workshops.)

The museum was mostly about the animals the Cro-Magnon people would have seen. The displays were really well-done. There was one place where you could see how fast you could run against a lion. Evie ran 15 km per hour. (about 9 miles) But the lion was faster. 

Evie listening to her audio guide. Did you know wooly mammoths only died out 3000 years ago?

Once finished, we ate lunch outside at the restaurant. While I stayed and stitched at the entry area, the rest headed out for the workshops. The archeology workshop was periodic and required you to be able to read French. The workshop on daily life was interesting, 

Prehistoric ladies?

but the hunting and cave painting workshops were the most fun. Evie learned how to make paint from different kinds of stones and has now collected a couple of "paint" rocks.

Penny making handprints. Did you know cave painters didn't have much light for working?

Nobody was able to hit the deer with a spear, so they would have a hungry night.

We were back home early enough for a dip in the pool. Did I mention that the day was sunny and warm? Finally, good weather. 

Even if it was hazy. 

Penny at her Juliet balcony.

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