Saturday, May 25, 2024

Around the house - May 22, 2024

 This  will be a short post as today we are laying low after several long trips in a row. After omelets for breakfast, Dan and Paulette packed their car to head for Montpelier to catch their afternoon train back to Brussels. We were sad to see them go. Dan is one of our oldest friends. He was an intern in Dave's department at IBM Poughkeepsie and Dave had just started working there in 1970. A couple of years later, Dan had graduated and taken a job with IBM in Brussels. We don't see each other often, but we have always been friends. We'll miss them.

Dave, Lynn, Paulette, & Dan at LeCazal. Look, no raincoats!

The rest of the day was taken up with grocery shopping, laundry, and household chores. However, for dinner, we cooked Dan's version of white asparagus with hard-boiled egg and butter. I got explicit directions from Dan before they left, never having made it before. I think it turned out pretty tasty.

Empanadas, salad, and white asparagus. Was delicious.

And that's it. No exciting travel, no hikes. Tomorrow we'll do better.


  1. That is the kind of day I want to have! - Evie

  2. Evie and Penny - and I hope it will be hot enough to swim in the pool here too!
