Tuesday, May 14, 2024

The Rain Finally Got Us - May 7, 2024

 It's Janis and Clark's last day here, so today's plan is to stay near to home. Leaving me home to work on blog posts, Dave, Kim, Dale, Janis and Clark stopped in to Mirepoix and Fanjeaux before giving up due to the rain. Here's how their day went:

Plane trees in Mirepoix

carved corbels in Mirepoix

Mirepoix gate

Fanjeaux - another knight

Fanjeaux - another knight - oh wait, that's Dale

Janis, Dale, Kim finally were rained out

But by the end of the day, the rain had stopped and Clark could stage his now famous wine bottle collection, a visual reminder of the good wines drunk in France.

Wine bottles on rental car, (almost) still life by Clark Hunsinger.

It will be sad to say good-by to the Hunsingers. As usual, we had a fabulous time together - good food, good company, good wine. 

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