Saturday, May 4, 2024

Going Back in Time: Cave de Niaux - May 2, 2024

 May 2, 2024

Plan for the day: visit the Niaux (knee-o) Cave. 

Attendees: Janis, Clark, Dave

Plan for the day: visit the regional hospital emergency room

Attendees: Kim, Dale, Lynn

Centre Hospitalier du Val d'Arieges Urgences (Hospital Center of Arieges Emergency Room)

Kim has had stabbing abdominal pains for 2 days, so with advice from our host, Lorna, we headed off for the regional hospital emergency room. Intake was quick and smooth despite having to do it all in French. They whisked Kim off and sent Dale and I away. (No one was allowed to stay inside, although we later saw a tour group of young people walking through.) We could either find a waiting room on the other side of the hospital or sit in our car - which is what we did. Other than making a quick grocery-lunch run to the supermarket. It took 6 hours for them to release Kim. No diagnosis as to what is causing the pain. Prescriptions for the French version of Omeprazole and pain meds. She's mending but slowly.

This hospital is huge - wings for many different specialties - neurology, cardiology, dermatology, orthopedics, etc. Luckily, emergency room (Urgences) was well marked and easy to find.)

Niaux Cave

This cave is one of the rare caves where you can still see the real cave paintings. It is a long and torturous descent 1/2 mile into the bowels of the cave with only a small flashlight for each person in the tour group. The paintings are believed to be 13,000-16,000 years old by carbon dating of the charcoal used to draw the various animals that populate the largest room, the Black Room. No photos allowed in the cave, of course. Janis took a photo of a chart showing the animals to be seen.

pictures of a poster outside the cave and a postcard Janis bought. It's the only way to know what's inside unless you take the tour.

It is believed these drawings and this cave were used only for spiritual expression as there is no evidence of the caves being used for living or storage. 

Cave entrance is high above the valley

Dave took this photo from the mouth of the cave

Just inside the mouth of the cave


  1. Oh no! I am glad she is starting to feel better. Tell dad I picked up his wine and there will be a 3 bottle tax.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
