Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Lastours - Four Châteaux against the Albigensian Campaign - May 15, 2024

 David has been yearning to explore the castles at Lastours - the ruins of 4 castles built atop a rocky outcropping 1000 feet above the valleys of the Orbeil and Grésilhou rivers. They barely fit on the top of this rock which makes them almost impregnable. The four castles are named Cabaret (after the name of the Lord of this region, Surdespine, La Tour Regine, and Quertinheux


As is the case with so many castles in the south of France, this was once a 13th century Cathar stronghold which Simon de Montfort was determined to destroy. Small villages were built against the walls providing some security for the local villagers. But the castles capitulated in 1229 after a 2 year siege and were then plundered and destroyed. The three original castles were rebuilt in the 14th century as royal castles, adding La Tour Regine as the fourth castle. These were slowly destroyed over the centuries, leaving a rich archeological treasure in their ruins.

To reach the castles is a relatively arduous trek up and down and around the site starting at the village of Lastours....

see the castles up on that peak?

the village of Lastours

Looking down toward the village

....and climbing up and across the rocky spur that supports Lastours castles.

But Judy and Dave were willing to climb this impregnable site. They both came home tired and sore from their efforts, but pleased at having conquered these castles.

Their rewards are these terrific photos of the castles and their surrounding landscape. And memories of a beautiful hike.

Back home, we prepped dinner for the arrival of Dan and Paulette at 7 pm. They had travelled by train to Montpellier from Brussels, then rented a car for the 2 1/2 hour drive to Le Cazal. We sat long at table catching up on news and adventures before falling into bed around 11. 

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