Thursday, May 23, 2024

Winetasting IGP Pays d'Oc at Domaine Gayda in Brugairolles - May 18, 2024

 Taking an easier day today: winetasting in Brugairolles and a stop at some favorite towns. I'm staying home (supposedly to catch up on this blog, but really to catch up on sleep and the news). 

The rest head off to taste some IGP Pays d'Oc wines at Domaine Gayda. (IGP means Indication Géographic Protegée - protected geographic region means the grapes all come from the designated geographic region.) This place was listed in Dave's wine book as being one of the premier wine producers of the region. Some wine may have been brought back to Le Cazal.....

Domaine Gayda

On the way home they made stops at Fanjeaux (to take Christmas card photos).....


Paulette and Dan

and Mirepoix (for ice cream).

And then home for aperos and dinner.

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